Recently there’s been some controversy with large media outlets coming down on small companies for talking about the ill effects (cancer, endocrine disruption, you name it) of chemical sunscreens… seems weird right? Especially since there’s nothing controversial about the proven carcinogens you’ll find most of them.
They seem to be suggesting that we’re advocating for excessive sun exposure in lieu of chemical sunscreen… Which is completely missing the point. We’re simply stating that these chemical sunscreens are not the best option, and that minerals like zinc are a much less harmful and equally effective choice. Why protect yourself against excessive, cancer causing UV rays with low quality, cancer causing creams when you could opt for a safer alternative?
This isn’t controversial (and is actually very reasonable) considering the benefits of zinc and its UV reflecting abilities are well documented in research and by the FDA. So given this, it begs the question… Why would anyone want to use these chemical sunscreen products? Why is legacy media defending it?
Ditch chemicals and opt for Zinc. We offer our best moisturizers with added zinc just for this reason. Get stocked up on Sun Over and Sunny Face Over for Memorial Day and the rest of summer!